This is my journal of my breast cancer treatment. Updates on my conditions and information on what is next and also a place to write down my thoughts and feelings on what is taking place. Feel free to comment, but be nice. I welcome you to walk this journey with me through these writings and musings.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I had the privilege of doing the devotion today at my MOPs group so I decided to share it here for those moms who couldn't' make it and just because it needs to be shared...I think.  Today was the last day for our MOPs meeting for this year.  This very special group of ladies have been a huge emotional support for me as I have been going through my cancer treatment and I thank God for this group.  For those who were there, it will be a bit different in places because of the impromptu stuff that jumped in my brain as I was speaking today.  Please enjoy.

Every journey starts with the first step and this year we have journeyed with each other, our families, our spouses, our children.  Mops has carried us through the journey of Self, Family, Community and God.   Jesus was not a stranger to journeying.  He traveled from place to place always on the move yet he knew his ultimate destination.  In reflecting on His journeys to me possibly the hardest journey He took was also the shortest.  The amount of steps He took from his place of prayer in the garden to the hands of the soldiers.  He had just prayed for the cup to be taken from Him but in the same prayer He submitted Himself to the will of God.  Knowing that He was facing His darkest days on earth, He took that first step into the most arduous journey know to man and heaven.  Since January 2012 I also have traveled a journey that started with a small step forward with many beseeching prayers to God but always trusting in Him.  Somehow I knew that my dad didn't have very much time left  - I attribute that sense to God giving me that knowledge.  My family and are were blessed with being able to see my dad in June and other family members.  Last June is a bittersweet memory of fun family time and increased knowledge of my dad's worsening health.  In August I journeyed again to care for my dad in the last two weeks of his life.  Then my own journey with cancer began.  As we have traveled together this year let me share with you what I have learned and have seen.

            There was a talk on self care and it hit home.  Cancer treatment is rough physically and mentally.  I had to learn to let go of things or at least let others help me do things even though it wasn't the way I would do it.  As long as it got done, that is what mattered.  I had to learn to take care of me and do what was needed to make it through each step of my treatment.  I have seen other moms in our group realize that it is ok to do something nice for themselves even something as simple as taking a shower without interruption or as difficult as needing other medical interventions for health so we can be better moms, wives, friends.  Jesus took time for himself when he left the disciples and crowds to spend time with His Father. 

            I have come to understand more fully the blessings God has given me through my children and especially my husband.  There was a fear in me that just recently was obliterated because it took my illness to show me the depth of love and fidelity my husband has for me. I also have seen us become a family, we have rejoiced in the abundance of babies being born and mommies announcing more little people on their way.  We have sorrowed together over deaths, prayed over the various illnesses and hurts that have come among us, Cheered the accomplishments of busy moms doing more than just "mommy stuff".  We have been there for each other for all the little, medium and big stuff in each other's lives. 

            We are a community along with being a family.  The dictionary defines community as a unified body of individuals. We are unified.  United by motherhood and by membership in MOPs.  A community each of us has chosen to belong to.  For me given that I have no immediate family in the area, everyone of you have been a support during my personal journey whether through thoughts, prayers, meals, hugs, cards, child care, a smile and so on.  I have seen us as a community reach out and help those in our group through joyful times (BABIES!!!!) and hard times.  Sometimes the help is short- an invitation to a playdate to give another worn out mom a break or long - taking meals to a family with a sick child or sick mom.  Some of us are graduating and no matter where you go, you are always be part of this community and family.  God intends us to fellowship together and I love our fellowship.

            He brought me here as he has brought many of you here.  He is in everything, He is with us in EVERY step of ANY journey we undertake whether we choose it or it chooses us.  So as we go forth into summer and beyond, whether we return to MOPs in the fall or we move to the next journey in the new stages of mommy hood with our kids remember what GOD has promised us:
Joshua 1:5New International Version (NIV)No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.

His promises are true and when we go through rough times we know we can lean on him because He is strong enough to carry us AND our burdens.  He is also with us in joyous and normal times.  I thank Him for being there always and I especially thank Him for bringing me here to a place where love, friendship, and fellowship abounds.  Have a great summer and see you at the Park!