This is my journal of my breast cancer treatment. Updates on my conditions and information on what is next and also a place to write down my thoughts and feelings on what is taking place. Feel free to comment, but be nice. I welcome you to walk this journey with me through these writings and musings.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Round 5 and an update

Round 5 of chemo is gone and done, the after affects have calmed down so I feel "normal" and now I am facing down Round 6.  My. last. round. of. chemo.  

My doc gave a additional anti-nausea med this last round that is longer lasting and it worked so I didn't have any nausea or vomiting episodes, thank goodness!  It was still rough and for about a week I practically had no energy for anything.  Each time I've had chemo it takes me longer and longer to "recover" and feel more like myself.  This time it took about a week and 3/4 to have a day where I felt good.  

The hard thing about this round was not being able to eat.  Initially, I wasn't very hungry so ok no big deal except I knew I needed to eat to keep my strength up but it was very difficult eating.  It felt like I had a road block in my throat decreasing the size of my throat making it very difficult to swallow.  This was sort of ok until my appetite came back yet I still couldn't eat.  GRRRRRR.  So there I am hungry, tummy growling so loud it can be heard across the room and barely able to swallow.  I ended up eating butterscotch pudding and my protein drinks and tomato soup.  Food that I didn't need to chew and ones that could slide down easy and get past the roadblock.  Finally, last Thursday, the roadblock got removed and I could eat!  Yea!!!!  I will be stocking up on pudding and jello this week in preparation of the next round.

I do not know how difficult this last round is going to be but I know it isn't going to be fun but it is my LAST one. I hope and pray that I NEVER, EVER have to go through Chemo again.  E.V.E.R.  Would it be ok to sing a break up song to my chemo??  If I had to choose one it would be the song by Taylor Swift -"We Are Never Ever Getting Back together"  so yeah here is my break up song to Chemo. 
So on January 22, 2013-chemo I am officially breaking up with you and I never, EVER want to see you again.

I had a decent Christmas - actually it was a good Christmas.  My mom was here for three weeks and it was fun to have her here.  She got sick with Pneumonia the first week but she recovered and the rest of the visit went well. Mom decided that she was ready for a transformation so we went shopping for new clothes - lots of fun!!  It was a tiring day for both of us but well worth it.  She also snagged a whole bunch of Bare Mineral makeup and cut and colored her hair during subsequent days of her visit.  All of a sudden my mom looks like I remember her looking.  I like it.  I am glad she is finally taking interest in herself and being nice to herself.

Of course Christmas is why I haven't posted in quite some time and the fact that Round 5 knocked me down for about a week.

So what is next for me, you might be asking.  Surgery.  Yep, the doc will remove what remains of the mass.  February 25th is the day. After my recovery time then I will begin my radiation series that will last 5-6 weeks.  After THAT I will just being having infusions of Herceptin every 3 weeks until I finish out the year of treatment, I will also start my regime of daily estrogen blocking medication for about 10 years.  Of course I will have mammograms on a regular basis and I must get into a habit of Breast Self Exams.

The biggest worry I have during the upcoming weeks is how tired is radiation going to make me, will I be able to keep the house clean and feed my family? I know that during the time before my surgery I am going to stock up my freezer again, not that it is empty, but it has been nice to pull something out when I haven't had the energy to really cook and it will help during that time of initial recovery.

I am contemplating going back to school for Spring quarter but only taking 2 online classes which will be easier to manage energy wise and schedule wise with all the medical stuff happening.  I spoke to one of the oncology nurse's who has had breast cancer and with that conversation I am more confident that I can do it even undergoing radiation.  I have missed school quite a lot.   I know that am looking forward to this summer when things will be a bit more "normal" as far as my schedule and my health.  I suppose going back to school is a step in that direction. 

I am so very grateful for all the support and well wishes that everyone has sent my way during this time.  I am not done with my treatment but Phase one is coming to an end. Onward to Phase Two......

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