This is my journal of my breast cancer treatment. Updates on my conditions and information on what is next and also a place to write down my thoughts and feelings on what is taking place. Feel free to comment, but be nice. I welcome you to walk this journey with me through these writings and musings.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chemo -Round 1

Chemo infusions involve sitting in a chair, IV in the arm (until I get my port), and time!

So yesterday's chemo treatment wasn't to bad considering that from what the nurse have told me.  I think the worst part of it for me was 1) waiting to see what immediate reactions I would have and 2) the fact the IV in my arm hurt if I moved my arm.  The nurse said redheads and fair skinned people tend to be more sensitive to IV's sometimes.  It was very tender to the touch so I spent 5 hours with a heating pad around my arm and as long as I kept the movement to a minimum it was fine.  

It turns out that I will be getting infusions of Herceptin every week until the chemo portion is done and then the Herceptin will move to every 3 weeks.  Thankfully, the Herceptin is a shorter time of infusion, 30 minutes or so.  

Things I have learned from yesterday:

  1. If I want control of TV then I have to pick a chair pair that has no one there or someone who isn't watching TV
  2. Not to bring peanuts snacks cause one of the nurses is highly allergic to peanuts
  3. I brought enough stuff to do but bringing our portable DVD player is probably good idea cause daytime TV usually blows unless they get good cable channels.  
  4. Odds are I will be the youngest in the room recieving medication because yesterday it was all older people.
  5. Don't be hesitant to ask for a drink or a snack even though it feels weird to ask for something I am normally capable of doing.  
  6. I think bringing my laptop might be a good idea if they have WIFI cause I've got nothing but time while I am there! Facebook game time!! ;-)
I came home had a snack and went to bed for about 2.5 hours. I did start experiencing a dry mouth and a headache last night.  Today I feel tired even though I got decent sleep last night and I am also feeling body weak like I am recovering from a really bad bout of flu. 

 So far no nausea but if it does happen I have meds for that.  

In any case, the anxiety I had is lessened quite a bit but there is still some because I am sure I haven't had time to experience all the side effects I am going to have. So there are some unknowns as of yet.

I am just grateful for the support system that I have been blessed with.  Yesterday, Fred was with me the whole time except to get lunch and Patrick took care of Kyle and did some house stuff.  I also have my friend Molly and others who help out or are on standby.  God is so good in giving me time to build up friends here in Washington who are so willing to offer their help and to have kept in touch with my Arizona friends that even though they can't help physically; they help by sending me good wishes and praying for me and my family.  I don't know what the purpose of all this is but I know that I will learn lots of little things and maybe some big ones.  I know God did not cause the cancer in my body but I know that out of this He will be glorified, and like Joseph, good will come out of this for myself and my family and possibly for others. 

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