This is my journal of my breast cancer treatment. Updates on my conditions and information on what is next and also a place to write down my thoughts and feelings on what is taking place. Feel free to comment, but be nice. I welcome you to walk this journey with me through these writings and musings.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Energy n stuff

For the past couple of days the energy fairy has been generous to me and the tired bus has been put on detour route that passes me by.  Yesterday I felt....normal.  A strange feeling to have given the recent events that made me the first stop on the tired bus and some days the first bus brought friends to ensure I was wiped out. 

 So what did I do with the extra energy that was given to me?  I made zucchini bread, chocolate chip cookies, dinner, cleaned up dog doo in the backyard and harvested greens from my winter garden for last night's supper.  I was tired by the end of the day but not overly so, just a normal tired that resulted from a normal day filled with normal activities.

Today, I still have energy but not as much as yesterday but I did go grocery shopping this morning.  However, I attribute the lessened energy today to the 530am wake up from Kyle needing my help.  My friend, Luisa, has been visiting for the past couple of days and yesterday she was loopy and tired but today she is rocking my kitchen making 3 different dishes for us to freeze plus dinner tonight!  I have also been working on stocking my freezer with dinners so on the days I have no energy to cook I can just defrost and heat up dinner.   

I wonder if this is going to be my pattern through my chemo treatments  2 weeks of feeling like the victim of the tired bus and then a few days before the next chemo treatment I feel normal.  If so then that time frame is truly the time to get caught up on different things that I may have been too tired to accomplish.

There are days I don't feel like eating or I eat very little but my family needs to eat so even though I don't have a lot set aside I feel good that I have at least some set aside.  I am grateful for Luisa coming to help by cooking for us.  She enjoys cooking and I am glad that she is using that joy and skill to help.  Her and her hubby live to far away to help out on a regular basis but I am so grateful and honored that she took time in her rounds of visiting her friend before heading to Afghanistan to include me in that whirlwind of visiting.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by friends who care and help.  Sometimes people who are far away have helped by simply letting me know that they care and that expression of their caring many times is a mood lifter for me when I am blue.

On other news, my hair started falling out on Sunday, just 2-3 strands here and there.  Monday, the amount of hair fall out had increased significantly so I went to my beautician and had her take off the rest of my hair.  I am not completely bald as I still have stubble left but I may go to a barber shop and have them shave off the remainder as the stubble sometimes is somewhat problematic in areas such as getting dressed and such.  So now I am sporting scarves and hats while out in public and at home I go au natural.  I think if the weather was warmer I'd probably go au natural but the head does tend to get a bit cold. 

So now ya'll know what I look like with no hair.  I know it will come back in, I am just hoping that whatever changes happen to my hair that at least it still is red when it grows back in!  I am not sure I'd know how to be anything BUT a redhead!

I had to call the charge nurse of my treatment center the other day to talk to her about some issues I am having with one of the nurses in the treatment center.  This was a difficult thing to do because I really dislike complaining about someone who obviously has quite a few years of training and experience behind them but the issues were a personal dislike of her on my part and additionally the feeling of never wanting this woman to touch me again.  Every time this nurse has touched me I end up bruised - badly. This time I have a good 6+ inch bruise.  Also, this nurse comes across very unprofessional in her demeanor and when I was talking to her about the eating issues I am having she interrupted me and basically told me I was going to have to thus-n-such without fully hearing what I had to say.  I KNOW she has way more experience with administering chemo and caring for chemo patients but that doesn't mean she is an expert on ME!  It was a good talk and I hope this next chemo session will go well (Monday) but I still don't want her to touch me.  

The charge nurse also called in a perscription for Emla cream that should numb the area of my port so that when they access it on Monday it will be less painful.  I don't like IV's or needles but in the realm of my experience of medical pokes, right now the accessing my port hurts worse than either of those.  So if the Emla cream reduces the pain by 1/2 that will be an improvement! 

I suppose that is all from this breast cancer babe for now. Oh! I had asked for prayers for my mom.  She has had her surgery and is back at home and doing well.  She has friends helping her and she has hired an in home nursing company to help her during her recovery time.  She is glad to be home though and have the surgery over with.  Thank you everyone for your prayers on her behalf.

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