This is my journal of my breast cancer treatment. Updates on my conditions and information on what is next and also a place to write down my thoughts and feelings on what is taking place. Feel free to comment, but be nice. I welcome you to walk this journey with me through these writings and musings.

Friday, October 12, 2012


Ok, the tally for this week is 2 IV's and a surgery!

Yesterdays, surgery "went well" as the doctors like to say and I guess it did since I went to sleep and then woke up with the port in and nothing scary happened.  However, the not so well part is up to me and my body.  I was pretty fuzzy yesterday but that is to be expected.  I was doing ok sleeping or resting but then I reacted badly to the pain meds I brought home, nausea visited and brought his cousin, throw up, along for the ride.  Sigh.  I know probably TMI for some of you but oh well.  So I am pretty weak today since I really haven't eaten since day before yesterday but I am attempting to eat right now by taking very small mouse bites of graham crackers. 
Nibble, nibble, nibble.

I am moving slow today but I am grateful for my family and friends who have rallied behind me in this journey.  My sweet hubby who takes time off work, calls to check in with me to see how I am doing, my boys -Patrick and David who help with various things and of course Kyle who gives great hugs and kisses.  I am blessed with friends who also help such as Molly and Gary who picked Kyle up yesterday from preschool and took him to their house until we were ready to bring him home.  Sharon, my MOPs mentor Mom, who brought over a dinner that my family ate last night and others who send me good thoughts and prayers.  My hairdresser who cried as she cut my hair, even the sympathies of my neighbors when they find out.  Many of you have commented that I am strong and I will get through this because of that strength yet I see myself as not strong.  There are two places I get my strength -God and family and friends that He has surrounded me with.  I thank Him so much for the wealth of friendship and family that surrounds me.

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