This is my journal of my breast cancer treatment. Updates on my conditions and information on what is next and also a place to write down my thoughts and feelings on what is taking place. Feel free to comment, but be nice. I welcome you to walk this journey with me through these writings and musings.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Women of Faith (WOF) Weekend

I always look forward to WOF knowing each time that I attend somewhere either in the music, a speakers presentation, or a drama that God has a message just for me.

First of all, one of the things that made this WOF special is that I got to spend a whole weekend with my girlfriend! Two sisters in Christ and sisters in our hearts together worshiping, praising and learning more about God and Jesus together.  It was so nice to be at "church" with her for two days especially since it has been over two years since we were at church together.
See we had a gorgeous view out the hotel also!
Beautiful ladies and a gorgeous view, what more do ya need?

As always the music from WOF is among my favorites to learn and listen repeatedly.  The second song in the night had me in tears just because of the promises and the comfort that was embedded in the song.  There was also joy in the song, joy that has been hard to grasp lately.  Sheila Walsh was the first speaker and while her messages are always profound and thought provoking there wasn't to much there for me.  CeCe Winans music is where the heart thrust was placed.  She was speaking in between songs and she said that no matter the test results, no matter the diagnosis, no matter what is going on in your life - it ain't over til GOD says it's over. The lyrics are:

So you got a bad report, And it doesn't look good to you
Put a praise on your lips, This is what you gotta do
Speak to your situation without hesitation
God gave me this revelation just for you

[Bridge 1:]
It ain't over (It ain't over)
No matter what you're going through
It ain't over (It ain't over)
God's gonna work it out for you
If you can believe
It ain't over
Trouble don't last always
It ain't over (It ain't over) 2x

So you gave it all you had, And you still came up short
You been faithful through it all, And you answered the call
Keep your eyes on the prize. Don't give up the faith
God has a plan for you. That's why we say

It ain't over (It ain't over)
Weeping may endure for a night
It ain't over (It ain't over)
Joy's gonna come, joy's gonna come
It ain't over
If you just believe in the morning
It ain't over (It ain't over)
It ain't over

[Bridge 2:]
Whose report will you believe? God has spoken
Will you receive
Oh, it ain't over (It ain't over)
It ain't over (It ain't over) 3x

It ain't over (ooooh yeah)
Said it ain't over
Saints hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on
If you just believe it ain't over (It ain't over)
It ain't over (It ain't over)

[Bridge 2]

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Listen (It ain't over)
Said it ain't over (It ain't over)
Trust me (It ain't over)
I know for myself it ain't over (It ain't over)
Oh it ain't over (It ain't over)
I believe it ain't over (It ain't over)
It's just getting started (It ain't over)
You gotta believe it ain't over (It ain't over)
I believe (I believe He's got better things for me)
I believe (I believe He's got better things for me)
I believe (I believe)
Tell yourself I believe (I believe He's got better things for me)

Oh yes, it ain't over
This is just a test of your faith
(It ain't over)
Won't be like this always, just believe
(It ain't over)
Don't give in, don't give up, you can make it, hold on
(It ain't over)
Cause there's a blessing in your storm

I believe
(I believe He's got better things for me)
Speak to yourself
(I believe He's got better things for me)
Proclaim it
(I believe He's got better things for me)
Shout it out loud
(I believe He's got better things for me)
Yes He does

It ain't over (It ain't over) 4x

Clap your hands (It ain't over)
Cause it ain't over (It ain't over)
Stomp your feet (It ain't over)
Cause it ain't over (It ain't over)
Do your dance (It ain't over)
Cause it ain't over (It ain't over)
You gotta believe it (It ain't over)
Cause it ain't over (It ain't over)
Keep praying (It ain't over)
Cause it ain't over (It ain't over)
Keep hoping (It ain't over)
Cause it ain't over (It ain't over)
God said it (It ain't over)
And it ain't over (It ain't over)
It ain't over (It ain't over)
Yeah yeah yeah (It ain't over)
Ay, ay, ay ohhhh (It ain't over)

(It ain't over) 3x
This song was so right for my situation right now, it acknowledged the pain and the sadness but it also reminded me of my joy in Christ and that He is with me in this part of my life.  I was able to speak to CeCe afterwards, such a beautiful Christ-filled woman.  Even though there were other women behind me waiting to see and speak to her, when I told her how and why that particular song hit my heart, she put down her pen grabbed my hands and prayed with me and for me.  
Her prayer and sincerity touched my heart

Carmen and I walked back to the hotel
talking about the evening and she reminded me that music was how I spoke to God and how that was the way I connect with Him.  She is right. I learn about God from His Word but truly the way I feel His presence and the way I fully worship and praise Him is through music.  So I made the decision that instead of buying books this time I would buy music.  Music to take with me to sustain me through the chemo treatments and what ever else I have to deal with in this journey.

On the second day, Shannon Ethridge (author -Every Woman's Battle) spoke and her message contained some truth and reminder for me but for a different situation.  The next speaker was Angie Smith and she spoke about fear. The fear of going to deep.  she was afraid to go more than ankle deep into the ocean as a child. She also admitted that she was afraid to go to deeply into Christ and was perfectly happy to stay on the shores of faith building sand castles and letting the water lap at her toes until a situation her family had pushed her into the very deep she feared yet in that deep, dark place she saw Christ.  Psalm 139 spoke to her and it did to me as she shared it with us.

If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, thou art there.
If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, And thy right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, Surely the darkness shall overwhelm me, And the light about me shall be night;
12 Even the darkness hideth not from thee, But the night shineth as the day: The darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

The point I took away from this was to grab onto the hand of God not the hand of man because He is there with me in my current deep dark place.  It is through Him and His providence that I am richly blessed with friends who care for me and with a wonderful family.  

This weekend at WOF has been exhausting, emotionally draining and uplifting, spiritually affirming and strengthening, fun, joyful, insightful and a blessing.  I knew before we went that I needed and must go before treatment started.  I truly felt it was the first step in my treatment plan and it was because God treated my heart, spirit and soul and gave me an infusion of HIM so I can endure the days before me.  I know that I will get weary yet when I am weary and feel like I can't continue, I know that God will hold me tighter and give me strength to continue.  It is only in Him that I am strong enough. 

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